

In the quiet room, only the clacking of keyboard keys floating from desks to our ears.

Then the sound of a chair being pushed back. The groaning sound a chair makes when it is relieved of a person’s weight.

Footsteps echo, fading away, as Lodi heads out of the room.

Leaving one of our new hires and myself in the office space.

Suddenly, I hear my name being called, in a hushed but urgent tone, from one of our new hires.

I turn my chair around to face her and in a more hushed tone she proceeds to silently scream, hands on the sides of her head.

“I had to release all this stress,” she explains, taking advantage of the fact that the cause of our stress just walked away for a few seconds.

I grin and nod knowingly, then we both turn back towards our respective computers to resume working.