
90% Anxiety

“90% of my day-to-day routine, even on the weekends, I think about work.”

These words come out of lodi’s mouth. Right after he says, “Lately, I’m starting to get anxiety.”

I just blinked. Blankly.

But the thoughts in my head were, “You’re doing that to yourself, with all your micro-managing.”

Every. Single. Thing.

For each task.

Every. Single Step.

For each task.

Every. Single. Day.

For each task.

We need to update him.

And wait for approval to proceed.

Then he’ll go on a rant about working speedily.

When all the updates, all the waiting for his approval, all eats up time.

Then we receive daily sermons about “the name of the game is speed.”

Well, maybe if you don’t try to micro-manage and let us freely do our work, you won’t be anxious about anything.